Gorilla Mode

📌Table Of Contents
• [0:46] Gorilla Mode Supplement Facts
• [1:49] Gorilla Mode Vs. Other Pre-Workouts On The Market
• [6:26] Flavor And Mixability
• [7:54] How To Dose Gorilla Mode:
• [9:33] Gorilla Mode Ingredients Breakdown
   ○ [9:37] L-Citrulline – 9000 mg
          ∙ [9:44] Why Nitric Oxide (NO) Is Important
          ∙ [11:01] Increased Muscular Endurance
          ∙ [11:39] Effect On Body Composition
          ∙ [12:42] The Maximum Effective Dose Of L-Citrulline
          ∙ [13:29] The Problem With Citrulline Malate In The Supplement Industry
          ∙ [20:06] Citrulline Vs Arginine
   ○ [21:12] Creatine Monohydrate – 5000 mg
          ∙ [21:29] Creatine’s Effect On Muscle Size And Strength
          ∙ [22:59] Creatine’s Effect On Methylation And Health Status
          ∙ [26:26] Do You Need To Cycle Off Of Creatine?
   ○ [26:43] GlycerPump™ (65% Glycerol Powder) – 3000 mg
          ∙ [26:54] Glycerol’s Effect On Hydration, Pumps And Endurance
          ∙ [27:59] GlycerPump™ Vs Other Forms Of Glycerol
   ○ [31:59] Betaine Anhydrous – 2500 mg
   ○ [33:45] L-Tyrosine – 1500 mg
          ∙ [34:16] L-Tyrosine Vs N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine
   ○ [36:06] Agmatine Sulfate – 1000 mg
   ○ [36:44] Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) – 500 mg
   ○ [38:10] Caffeine Anhydrous – 350 mg
          ∙ [38:24] How Much Can Caffeine Increase Workload, Even When Sleep Deprived?
          ∙ [39:17] Caffeine Increases Energy Expenditure (Calories Burned) Per Day
          ∙ [40:19] Stacking Caffeine With L-Theanine To Help You Get To Sleep And Smooth Out The Jitters
          ∙ [41:43] Caffeine Dosage
   ○ [42:50] N-Phenethyl Dimethylamine Citrate – 350 mg
   ○ [46:34] BioPerine® (Black Pepper Fruit Extract) (standardized to 95% Piperine) – 10 mg
   ○ [47:25] Huperzine A – 400 mcg
• [48:12] Ingredients I Didn’t Include In The Formula And Why
   ○ [48:29] Beta Alanine
   ○ [50:45] Leucine
   ○ [51:17] Antioxidants/Vitamins
   ○ [52:34] Sodium
   ○ [55:11] Yohimbine And Rauwolscine
   ○ [56:07] L-Carnitine
   ○ [56:24] Isopropylnorsynephrine
• [57:28] Should You Ever Cycle Off Of Gorilla Mode?
• [57:59] How To Combine Gorilla Mode With Gorilla Mind Rush
• [1:01:03] Conclusion – What To Expect From Gorilla Mode